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I have been accompanied by exercise and passion for sport from my earliest childhood. In the meantime, I have over 30 years of experience – specifically in the fitness industry. What happened in this long time? Much things have changed over the decades. The fitness industry has changed enormously. New trends came and went and new trends came and stayed. Something has always been the same and stable for me:

• love and passion for the sport
• love and passion to give others the joy of exercise and sport.
• the passion to positively influence other people’s lives
• the inner fire, the passion for the movement and the vocation to convey this motivated.

Movement and excercises are important for ALL people. With the “Women’s Fitness Floor”, a studio has been created that caters specifically to the needs of women. Dance and feel like you were on the dance floor. Take “time to DAnce”, “time to SHApe” … “time for yourself …” Let go of your everyday life and treat yourself to a little holiday break at DaSHA. Enjoy time for you and your body, which has to work so much for you. DaSHA – by the way that was the name of my first jazz dance teacher (Dasha Weber) – pursues the goal to inspire and motivate women to move and to offer top quality programs, in a wonderful training ambience with the best instructors and our “personal touch”.